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New Artworks 2024

儒怡的創作深受榮格分析心理學影響,顯現出強烈的抽象表現主義色彩。她的創作過程不僅客觀分析自我,亦主觀表現自我。具象與抽象、混沌與慾望、野放與沉靜間, 不斷來回碰撞、對話,拆毀與重建後,逐漸構築其獨樹一格的「天地人我觀」創作宇宙。她以奔放/自由的線條造型與充滿中世紀神祕氣息的泛霧色塊,呈現人內在小我與自然大我的精神對話,建構其深具魅力的色彩語彙。儒怡的作品曾獲紐約羅徹斯特理工學院選入《Wallace Library Purchase Prize Collection》永久典藏,其創作主題經常圍繞大自然與自我的關係,帶領觀者悠遊於他方精神世界,不知不覺引人入勝,從而投射、反思與默想,找到屬於自己人生的答案。

Ju Yi's art , profoundly influenced by Jungian psychology, reflects the essence of abstract expressionism. Her creative process involves a delicate dance between objective self-analysis and subjective self-expression. Ju-Yi often engages in a dialogue between the abstract and the figurative, chaos and longing, wildness and serenity. Through deconstruction and reconstruction, she gradually develops her unique perspective on the relationships between heaven, earth, humanity, and self, reflecting Eastern philosophy. Using free-flowing lines and color palettes reminiscent of medieval mysticism, she presents a spiritual dialogue between the inner self and nature crafting a captivating visual language. 

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